Recommended In-Service Training For
Juvenile Probation (Intervention Services)
Conditional Release Process
This class will include discussion of conditional release programs, roles and responsibilities, transition planning, case planning, reclassification for post commitment probation, contact requirements, changes in status, and aftercare termination.
Assessing Substance Abusing Clients
This is the second of a three-part class designed to provide an understanding of the process in identifying a client's level of substance intake and appropriate interventions.
Best Practice Intake/Adult Process Review
The focus of this class is to learn the best practice procedures for the following: evaluating the complaint; screening the juvenile for juvenile prison, Serious Habitual Offender (SHO), or Intensive Residential Treatment (IRT) programs for juveniles less than 13 years old; risk and needs classification; investigation and initial intake conference; mandatory adult criteria for waiver hearing or direct file; adult process; waiver report; adult sentencing report, and problem court orders.
Best Practice Juvenile Probation Officer Supervision/Administration
This class will cover the supervisor's responsibilities required by policy, law, and Quality Assurance standards. Participants will use group interaction to determine various methods for meeting these responsibilities.
Courtroom Demeanor and Presentation
This class prepares the Juvenile Probation Officer (JPO) to present and testify during courtroom proceedings. Topics covered include the various types of juvenile proceedings and the JPO's responsibilities in each type of proceeding, factors which contribute to an effective courtroom presence, and courtroom practices which will enhance the JPO's performance when presenting and testifying.
Detention Screening
This class is designed to help improve the Juvenile Probation Officer's ability to complete a screening for secure, non-secure or home detention.
Ethics and Confidentiality in Probation
This class is designed to provide juvenile probation staff and contract providers with an overview of the statutory and policy guidelines in information sharing.
Interstate Compact for Juveniles
This class will provide an historical background of, and legal basis for, the Interstate Compact for Juveniles (ICJ), as well as the procedural process to access and provide ICJ services.
Interviewing Skills
This class is designed to provide staff with useful techniques for obtaining the optimal amount of information from a client in order to identify risks, needs, and services and to develop an appropriate plan to address these areas.
Jimmy Ryce Act and Vienna Convention on Consular Relations Procedures
This class focuses on the responsibilities of the Juvenile Probation Officer and Juvenile Correction facility case managers in completing the required reports and communication with the appropriate agencies in order to comply with the "Jimmy Ryce" procedures. This class will also cover the notification requirements for the Vienna Convention when a youth is detained or committed.
New Legislation Impact on the Juvenile Probation Officer
This class is focused on new legislation passed during the current year and how the legislation may impact current JPO procedures.
Pre-Disposition Report and Adult Sentencing Report
This class is designed to serve as a review of the critical features of both Pre/Post Disposition Reports and Adult Sentencing Summaries. Topics include: statutory time frames, who receives the reports, the primary sections in each type of report, required information, and assessments of actual reports to determine their completeness.
Professional Writing Skills: Improving Pre-Disposition Reports
This class will provide Juvenile Justice staff with basic skills for writing effective and professional documents for the court.
Re-calls: Kids Under Supervision - What Do We Do?
This class is designed to improve Juvenile Probation Officers' ability to utilize instruments needed to process cases under supervision, to understand the requirements for case documentation, and to identify violations of supervision and steps to take.
Recommendations and Case Planning for Substance Abusing Clients
This is the third and final part of a comprehensive class designed to develop skills and expertise in developing appropriate sanctions, court recommendations, and supervision/case plans for substance abusers.
Risk Classification System
This class covers policy, procedure, and practice beginning with Serious Habitual Offender, Intensive Residential Treatment, and Juvenile Prison worksheets. Topics also include the Risk Classification Form and Matrix, contact standards, and reclassifications.
Transferring Cases: The In's and Out's
This class is designed to enhance Juvenile Probation Officers' knowledge and skills in transferring cases and in handling cases transferred to the unit.
Tune-Up Time: The Instruments We Use
This class is designed to improve Juvenile Probation Officers' skills in utilizing intake instruments and assessment tools.
Tune-Up Time: The Intake Process
This class is designed to enhance Juvenile Probation Officers' knowledge and skills in processing a referral.
Tallahassee Community College, Juvenile Justice Training Academy
339-A East Jefferson Street, Quincy, FL, 32351, USA
Phone: 1-850-875-4822 SunCom: 282-4822