Recommended In-Service Training For
Residential/Commitment Services
Adolescent Development
This class addresses the developmental needs of children and adolescents. Participants will use understanding of these developmental needs to develop effective strategies for managing behavior in delinquency programs.
Case Planning
This class will provide a general overview of the residential case planning process, with emphasis on the Department of Juvenile Justice policies and standards. It will present the broad purpose of case planning and how the different elements of the process work together to benefit clients and client management staff.
Case Planning In Residential Treatment
This class will introduce participants to the fundamental processes of case management and planning in residential treatment programs, and provide application practice in essential skills.
Conflict Management
This class examines the subjects of youth, environment and self and how they fit into the prevention of conflict. This class also addresses stages of crisis development and the cyclic nature of conflict.
Introduction to Control Theory and Reality Therapy
This class provides an introduction to Control Theory and Reality Therapy. Topics include how behavior is driven by basic needs, the components of total behavior, and the internal motivation and purposefulness of all behavior.
Needs Assessment and Performance Planning
This class is designed for Residential and Aftercare staff who are involved in the development of client Needs Assessment and Performance Plans. The first day focuses on defining a Needs Assessment; identifying required information and how and where to obtain and develop an assessment. The second day focuses on defining a Performance Plan; identifying its components; developing a plan; identifying the steps in implementing, monitoring and renegotiating the Performance Plan.
Understanding Principles of Behavior
This class discusses the origins of and methods for managing behavior.
Utilizing the DSM-IV
This class is designed to help staff understand the organization of information in the Diagnostic Services Manual (DSM-IV), and the purpose of classification
Tallahassee Community College, Juvenile Justice Training Academy
339-A East Jefferson Street, Quincy, FL, 32351, USA
Phone: 1-850-875-4822 SunCom: 282-4822